Club Coach FAQ

  1. How long does a club coach appointment last?
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  2. Is my club eligible to receive a club coach?
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  3. Does a transfer member count as a member in good standing?
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  4. Can I coach a club outside of my district?
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  5. Can an appointed club coach be removed?
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  6. If I’m unable to complete my club coach assignment in the allotted time, can I be reappointed?
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  7. Does a district have the authority to require a club to accept a club coach appointment?
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  8. How many coaches can a club have at one time?
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  9. I believe club coaches used to get a club coach lapel pin?
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  10. How do I, as a District Leader, check to see if a member has completed the Club Coach Training Module in Base Camp?
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  11. My name used to be listed on the Club Coach Daily Report, and now it is not. What happened?
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  12. Why does my club’s Distinguished Club Program Performance Dashboard now show a qualifying membership requirement of a Net Growth of three members rather than a Net Growth of five members?
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  13. What is a club coach and what do their responsibilities entail?
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  14. What are the new program requirements which went into effect July 1, 2022?
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  15. Did the exception to earn District Leader Credit in the 2021- 2022 program year have increased requirements as opposed to previous program years where the coaches only needed to be successful?
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  16. How do I become a club coach?
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  17. What do I receive for becoming a club coach?
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